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Cubs Convention 2018 Preview

For the fourth consecutive year, I will be making the trek to Chicago's downtown Sheraton for the annual Cubs Convention.

After a career in radio (no money) and Division I college Athletics (no time), I made a career move that allowed me time each January to attend the convention.

Year one was amazing and it has been great each year since. Each year I make notes on the Metra ride out of Chicago.

Some of these notes have included: bring more $1 and $5 bills for tips at Kerry Wood's Woody's Winter Warmup to personal strategies to maximize purchases and autographs.

This year marks a change in itinerary. I'll be heading down Thursday instead of Friday morning. Club 400 will be hosting a pre-convention party/fundraiser with Ray Burris and Bill Buckner in attendance. If you haven't seen or heard of Club 400, do a google search. It's a sight to behold for anyone, regardless of your baseball affiliation.

It just so happens my best friend since junior high lives just blocks from Club 400, so I have a free night stay.

Friday I will take the Metra out of Crystal Lake and check in for the convention by noon. My friend, Dave, and I have had an annual tradition of eating a late lunch at the Billy Goat.

Friday night will be the convention's Opening Ceremonies and then we make a mad dash to Harry Caray's for the Woody's Winter Warmup. This event is well worth it!





And I may have been most excited to see Scott Sanderson. He was my favorite Cubs player of the mid-80's.

Tune in next week as I will keep you updated on Cubs Convention 2018. I do not plan on buying many cards for the pursuit to One Million cards, but I'll have to make at least purchase to denote the occasion.

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