Of Beer and Baseball CardsAnother day...another empty mailbox. Sort of. I did receive some cards in the mail today, but I'm not ready to blog about it. Hopefully...
I Blame The Cleaners For This Lunch BreakToday, my lunch break has two different meanings. First, the logical break from work for lunch. Second, a break of a couple 2018 Topps...
Medium Flat Rate Box Monday Blowout SaleSince my mailbox was empty on Monday it's time for a blowout sale. I'm looking to blowout some bulk medium flat rate boxes as I'm running...
Take Advantage of Free Money With eBay BucksIf you are buying on eBay you are earning free money. Well, it's not exactly "free" money because you have spent money to buy an item....
An Economical Way To Shipping a Large Volume of CardsOne struggle in the past I've had is selling junk era complete sets. A five dollar set, of say 1989 Topps, will set you back about $12 to...
A Story of Baseball Cards and Gas Station PizzaFor those of you that saw my tweets earlier tonight you may or may not be aware of the dinner I enjoyed. A dinner of pizza that is made...
What's For TradeMuch catching up has been done this week in completing trades and sorting to get some trades going. The most common trade avenue I've...
Cubs Trade Mailday Adds Plenty of New CardsTrade maildays have been few and far between lately with my schedule. A bubble mailer arrived today from Joe in New York, and it was...
The One Million Cubs Project Sorta Monday MailbagOne package did arrive in my mailbox Monday. Thanks to Mannis Cards for the trade. I sent him some 2018 Topps Yankees cards in exchange...
What's The Number One Card On Your Want/Wish ListWhile enjoying a new favorite beer (Sweet Sunglasses blonde ale from Hop Haus Brewing in Verona, WI) on my patio, I began thinking about...