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Take Advantage of Free Money With eBay Bucks

If you are buying on eBay you are earning free money. Well, it's not exactly "free" money because you have spent money to buy an item. But...if you did not realize eBay Bucks existed, then it is free money. 

I assumed everyone shopping on eBay was familiar with eBay Bucks. I was wrong, hence this post. As I was texting a friend this afternoon, he had no idea what eBay Bucks were. And he's no casual eBayer. He spent more than $1,000 in the last two DAYS. Can you imagine the amount of eBay Bucks he has let go to waste!

So, what are eBay Bucks? eBay gives you a percentage of cash back for every transaction you make. Typically, it is 1%. So that $1,000 assuming it's the base 1% would be $10. 

eBay Bucks accumulate each quarter, and cannot be redeemed until released. Currently, we are in quarter two. All transactions from April 1 through June 30 will accumulate and eBay will release those Bucks around July 1 or July 2. They can only be redeemed the month of July. Any past eBay Bucks cannot be redeemed. It's use it (the month they are released) or lose it.

Now, it's not just a simple 1% on each transaction. There is strategy. Often throughout the quarter, eBay will send out a flash notice offering 6% or 8% or even 10% in eBay Bucks. This is actually very common throughout the three month period, but it only lasts 24-48 hours. If you have items you are watching, wait until you receive an eBay Bucks notice. Sometimes the notices are sent to your eBay mailbox. Most of the time it is just linked to your home page on the eBay app (or website).

How do you know how many eBay bucks you have? Go to your My eBay summary and under the "buy" tab, there should be an eBay Bucks link. It will show you how many bucks you have accumulated and will also have an itemized breakdown on how much you earned on each transaction for the quarter.

The good part. How can you spend those eBay bucks? You should receive an email from eBay a day or two into the new quarter announcing your eBay bucks have been released. All you have to do to redeem them is purchase the item you want, and in the PayPal checkout under coupons, codes, eBay bucks, click eBay bucks. It will automatically know how many eBay bucks you have and will subtract them from your transaction. If you have eBay bucks left over you can buy more stuff (within the monthly redemption period).

Quarter two ends in a week, which also means there should be some eBay Bucks deals coming in then next few days to promote spending. 

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