One Million Cubs Project on Pearl Jam
No mail came today, but there were two packages in the mailbox Monday. The first, from Mark, contained the vintage I blogged about yesterday. The second package was the 20-card lot of 1990 Topps TV cards I purchased from eBay last week. When time permits, I'll do a full post on the Cubs Topps TV haul.
Normally, that post would have came today, but it's shaking out to be a busy week. The One Million Cubs Project continues to gain steam...and Cubs cards. I do have numerous trades in the works. Now I just need to find some time to put packages together.
Last night I put together two boxes from trades that have already brought in Cubs cards. Additionally, I spent a couple hours adding existing cards to the Project database. Even after that time, I'm at less than 9,000 cards catalogued.

Today, I received some great news that is slightly Cubs-related. Tickets are secured for the August Pearl Jam concert at Wrigley Field. In 2016, I attended Pearl Jam's show at Wrigley and it was amazing. It marked the first Pearl Jam concert I had attended since their Bootleg Tour stop in Champaign, Illinois in 2003.

Less than three months after Eddie Vedder belted out "All the Way" on a stage in centerfield at Wrigley Field, the Chicago Cubs did in fact go all the way. I still get goosebumps watching my grainy iPhone video from that night.
While the concert was awesome, the merchandise tent also did not fail to disappoint. Adorning one of my walls is this concert poster that features some iconic 1980's Chicago characters in Molly Ringwald from Chicago-based John Hughes films and Harry Caray. The girl on the far left, according to many Internet sleuths appears to be a dancer from a float in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The dog head on the far right is unknown, but a few threads regarding this poster reveals it could be an artist (David Failes) trademark.

And...the band sold baseball cards! I bought several packs and sold most of them off. I did keep my Vedder in a Cubs uniform card. This is a set that I will be lookin to re-add to my collection down the road.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and my wife and I have a romantic dinner planned for our local sports bar for trivia night with another couple. This is the married life young lads.
Apologies for the cheap post with lack of Cubs cards. I'll do better next time.