No Mail Monday: One Million Cubs Project Update
This blog comes a day late and several hundred thousand Cubs cards short of a million. Monday presented us with empty mailboxes due to President's Day.
The holiday also gave me an extra day to play catch up, but not enough time to write about it. So here we go.
Three trade packages were packed up yesterday and will be shipped out today. A few EBay and Sportlots sales were also packed up.
Additionally, continued sorting occurred. A nice amount of Cubs cards has been picked out of about a dozen monster boxes from the haul three weeks ago. A separate post later this week will highlight some of the finds.

My wife had three college friends in town over the weekend, so I had to use my Tetris skills at squeezing those 51 monster boxes into my existing card room and closet. They fit...barely.

While picking up card room, I did start to organize my recent trade acquisitions into monster boxes, which is important to get a better estimation on my current count. At this time, I have roughly 80,000 Cubs cards sorted. It's unknown how many additional Cubs are within many unsorted boxes. At any rate, I would guess my total count is approaching, but not more than 90,000 cards.

In tap this week: mailday reviews with a few incoming packages in transit, an update on the Cubs cards from the 51-monster box pickup, and hopefully a special card that will arrive late this week.