My Brushes With Greatness - Kerry Wood Edition
Today's trade review comes from a package that I received last week. Since I caught a case of Bowman Platinum fever this post was put on the back burner.
Steve from Tennessee is my trade partner this go around and it's our third deal, with a fourth already in the works. We typically swap between 800-1,000 cards each time with me getting the Cubbies, and I send off Red Sox his way.
Steve even outfitted this trade with a box topper featuring Andre Dawson (who celebrated a birthday yesterday).

In Monday's blog I mentioned my deeper appreciation for Kerry Wood cards. It didn't really start until I ramped up my trading with the One Million Cubs Project. Additionally, I've met Kerry a few times as I attend his annual fundraiser at Harry Caray's held the first night of the convention. He walks around and is always available for a quick chat. Kerry saved my phone from red wine at the 2015 fundraiser. A glass was spilled on the bar where I had my phone plugged in and charging. Kerry quickly grabbed my phone and a bar towel and wiped it dry. And then he posed for a fun picture.

In January 2017, right after the World Series, I was in a booth chatting with Dorothy (Jaegermeister Dorothy) about the suite Jaegermesiter put her and friends in at Wrigley Field during the World Series after her FOX interview.

I received a tap on my shoulder and a voice asked, "Can I talk to Dorothy?" It was Kerry Wood.

I get goosebumps thinking about the World Series. It never gets old, and neither do the baseball card reminders.

This is probably one of my favorite cards of the other half of Bryzzo, from 2015 Bowman.

Remember Collect-A-Books? My memory of this Jerome Walton Collect-A-Book was a Wal-Mart shopping trip in Geneseo, Illinois. My mom bought me this box set, and I opened it while eating lunch at Hardee's. It's odd some of the things we remember.

I don't really remember Topps Attax cards, but I wasn't collecting cards in 2011.

Another new junk era card for the collection, though I may have this complete set somewhere. It's a 1994 Classic Best Rookie Express Jon Ratliff. He's pictured with the Daytona Cubs.

There are a few Drake's oddball cards in my collection, but here is the first from the 1988 edition featuring Rick Sutcliffe.

The last newbie for the collection is from 2016 Topps' 100 Years of Wrigley subset. I thought I had all of these, but don't recall having this Ronald Reagan card. President Reagan has always been a sentimental 80's favorite growing up as a kid in that decade. He was also raised just 30 minutes from where I grew up, and I'm fond of Johnny Carson's impersonation (I watch old Carson episodes before bed each night - the moment I fall asleep my wife changes it to Golden Girls - I guess we're true 80's kids).

The 80's were great. 1988 Topps...not so much. However, 1988 Topps Traded is an absolute classic and here are three more Ty Griffin Team USA cards.

Another Classic set was 1989 Donruss, and its Diamond King set is probably my favorite of the entire run (though 1984 is also up there in my book).

Here's a Lee Smith rookie.

Yesterday I mentioned an autographed Ty Griffin baseball is among my first ever eBay purchases. Another is a signed game used at by Manny Alexander.

Here's a 1999 Pacific Manny Alexander.

Triple Play was a pretty awful set when released in 1992. I hate the red, orange, and yellow border. But some of the images are great. For example, this Hector Villanueva closeup with his mask on. Truly awesome, and Villanueva was a Cubs legend in the early 90's.

Thanks for another great trade Steve. I'm always looking to do more trades. In the next week I'm going to try and get some football team lots sorted. I have a half case of Allen & Ginter due in the end of next week. It is my favorite break and holds some cherished memories from recent years past which I'll be blogging about before the new product hits shelves next Wednesday.