Holy Javier Baez, Look at this Box of Cubs
A second trade package came from Ron in Maryland. We traded a few months back when I sent a box of Steelers (and had to finish the box with Yankees after I ran short on Steelers cards) to Ron. He's a great trader, who also has a Sportlots store. Check it out.

The box of 409 Cubs cards was filled with 99% new releases, including my favorite! Javier Baez. A total of 36 Baez cards were here. Mostly 2018 Topps, but there was one new card I didn't have. It's a Honus Bonus Partners (HBP) card that I have never seen before.

There was a small pile of the HBP cards.

A few 2017 Topps Fire cards. This set really grew on me, after initially not liking. I've come to appreciate each new release and the differences of each product. It would be really boring if every product looked the same. I like the diverse baseball card offerings we have in 2018.

I have replenished my football cards stock since our last trade, so I have some digging to do to pull out a box of Steelers to ship out to Maryland.
One Million Cubs Project Stats
Thursday's (8/16/2018) cards: 409
Thursday's (8/16/2018) packages: 1
Weekly count: 1,220
Total count: 149,588