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Chicago Sports Spectacular Review Part 1: Vintage

While I posted a running blog from my weekend at the Chicago Sports Spectacular, I didn't get into much detail.

Also, it was difficult finding time to post as I was busy scouring boxes of cards. I probably only fully checked out half of the vendor booths on Saturday. My budget was also spent Saturday, so I withheld from making a return on Sunday morning.

My review will consist of two parts: vintage and modern. There was no plan going into this show. I didn't have a want list, and didn't even know what I was looking for. I just had a budget and picked up what I wanted.

Usually at a show I'll stroll around and scope everything out before making a purchase. I did that a little bit, but when I stumbled upon a table filled with pre-war cards I had to indulge. Many of the prices were really good and less than I would pay on eBay.

Here's what I picked up from that table. A 1921 Exhibits Charles Hollocher.

A 1921 Exhibits William Killifer.

1927 Exhibits Charlie Grimm. This one is really best up, but I like my pre-war beat up for two reasons. 1) It's a whole lot cheaper! 2) It shows some character.

These 1947-1966 Exhibits were only $2 each. A lot of discoloration and some writing on the backs, but $2! He had about six Andy Pafko and I had to hold back from buying them all at this price.

Found a box of beat up 1960's cards for $0.50 each. I probably have all of these, but it's a nice price.

The dealer only charged me $6 for the 14 cards, and then I noticed he had several more tables of vintage. He had a box of old Post cards, and picked off a few from the 1961 set which is nearly complete.

A couple other random Cubs including a 1969 Deckle Edge Ron Santo.

And something I've been looking for. A 1970 Topps Poster Ron Santo. And only $3.

The total sticker price on these was $23.25 and he only charged me $18. Another dealer had dollar boxes and I pulled a few Cubs including a Bowman Color Harry Chiti I needed and a Ron Santo Kellogg's 3-D Superstars.

His 1953 and 1954 Topps were three dollars each and I picked up a few.

Finally, my last purchase of the day was from a junk table. Everything was a quarter! Picked up some banged up 60's cards and a Jimmie Foxx (another misspelled Foxx card) that I needed.

Coming up: I'll review modern era cards including an awesome deal on autographs and serial numbered Cubs.

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