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Tips For Saving Money On Card Supplies

After a few big trades that wiped out my already sorted boxes of a few teams, Sunday morning is being spent going through boxes to replenish the supply for more trades.

Card supplies can get expensive, especially if your collection numbers two million cards. So, I’m always looking for ways to save money. Obviously, buying in bulk is the way to go when buying supplies. But, what if you don’t want to spend more money on boxes? That’s the conundrum I ran into recently.

Last month I began the big Cubs sort. I’m sorting my collection by player last name, and will label each box(es) by letter. Then I’ll begin sorting by player and using card separators within the boxes.

Before diving into the sorting project I wanted to make sure I had a box for every letter. All of my boxes were accounted for, so I had to get creative.

Most of my collection is commons and there’s a lot of junk era (1980s and 1990s). That’s when the light bulb went off, and I started reusing flat rate boxes from trades to store these junk era commons. Perfect!

Now I don’t have to purchase more storage boxes and can recycle old boxes from other trades.

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