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One Million Cubs Project Quarter One Results

Q1 of 2019 is in the books and one final package of the quarter arrived Saturday from in-state Wisconsin. Chad from Wauwatosa (Wisconsin has some great city names) sent a box of 176 Cubs cards.

The great part of trading with Chad is that I get to dump those wretched Green Bay Packers football cards!

The box was heavy on Sammy Sosa cards, which I will have a player collection binder once things get organized. I am pro-Sammy, though I did have a bad taste in my mouth towards Slammin’ Sammy at the end of his Cubs career. But let’s be honest. Sosa and Mark McGwire brought many fans back to the game of baseball, myself included, after the strike of 1994.

At this point in my Cubs card chaos, I don’t really know which cards are new or not. Two of the Sosa cards looked like they might be new additions.

And there were some sweet 70’s cards.

With the first quarter in the books, there were 34,037 Cubs baseball cards added to my collection. March was the heaviest month seeing maildays bring in 15,704 Cubs cards. Throughout the quarter, I made 86 trades that came from 27 different states.

One Million Cubs Project Stats

Saturday's (3/30/2019) Cards: 176

Saturday's (3/30/2019) Packages: 1

January's Cubs Count: 9,343

February's Cubs Count: 8,980

March's Cubs Count: 15,704

Total Trades/Donations: 86

Trade States of Origin: Arizona Alabama

Arkansas California (4) Connecticut (6)

Florida (2)


Idaho Illinois (12) Indiana (3)

Kentucky Maryland (4) Massachusetts (3)

Michigan Minnesota (2) New Jersey (6) New York (7) North Carolina (2) Ohio (4) Pennsylvania (3)

Rhode Island

South Carolina Tennessee (4) Texas (4) Washington (2)

West Virginia Wisconsin (9)

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