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Facebook Marketplace Yields More Than 1,200 Rick Reuschel Cards

Last week I mentioned I always check Craigslist before heading on a road trip. In last week’s case it helped me land more than 100,000 cards including about 6,000 Cubs baseball cards. I haven’t even had time to move them from my car to card room.

While away last weekend, I received Facebook Marketplace notifications, and 1,200 copies of 1978 Topps Rick Reuschel cards were for sale for $10. It was listed in Morton, Illinois...exactly where I had been the past two nights.

Here’s where I made a big mistake. I didn’t think that I would be returning to Morton the following week. So, I reached out to the seller and asked if he would ship the 750-card lot that was listed (he later told me he had more of the same card).

I paid for shipping and received the box on Thursday...the day I left for Morton. Before I returned down to Illinois I reached out to the seller and asked if he had more Cubs cards. He said he had a few hundred more of the Reuschel and a couple hundred random Cubs cards. We arranged to meet at his house after my softball games Friday night.

He lived literally one block from the route I take from the softball complex to my hotel. Amazing!

In all, there were 1,230 copies of the 1978 Topps Rick Reuschel #50 Baseball Card.

Also, 100 copies of the 1983 Drake’s Big Hitters Bill Buckner.

All said, this Facebook Marketplace pickup added 1,417 Cubs cards to the collection!

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