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Club 400 Welcomes Willson Contreras and Carlos Zambrano

Once again Club 400 outdid itself. Another fun event was held on Thursday July 18 with special guests Willson Contreras and Carlos Zambrano.

Many people have asked how to attend these events. Club 400 events are charity events and most events open to the public. You can find out more information on the Club 400 website as well as the Club 400 Facebook page.

Fortunately, one of my best friends lives just a few blocks away from Club 400 in Lake in the Hills, Illinois. Scott gives me a ride over to Club 400 and picks me up. That's a big help saving me a hotel room cost and Uber fee.

When Scott dropped me off at the event, there was quite a long line at check-in, but it was a swift process and was in line less than 10 minutes.

By the way, yes, Club 400 is a house. In a neighborhood. After checking in, I headed to the backyard where there is a big tent set up. Underneath the tent is a stage where there are performances such as Danny Rockett, and Wayne Messmer was even in attendance to sing the National Anthem. The stage is later used for Q&A with Contreras.

Under the tent, Carlos Zambrano was set up for pictures and autographs. I had him sign a baseball.

Afterwards, it was time to mill around. I met Captain Cubbo for the first time.

Two of my best Cubs friends are Crawly and Arnie.

While I was in line for the Willson Contreras photo, Wayne Messmer was walking around inside Club 400. He stopped for a selfie.

Me and Willson Contreras.

The night also marked the debut of Club 400 beer from Crystal Lake Brewing. It's a lager and is delicious. Also, check out that can. Awesome! It was released in Crystal Lake area liquor stores and select locations starting this weekend.

You also never know who else might make an appearance at Club 400. Former Cubs pitcher Mike Remlinger was walking around and talking to fans.

Here's the swag from attending this event: Willson Contreras autographed World Series baseball, Carlos Zambrano signed baseball, Cubsessions book signed by the authors, and another sweet Club 400 event lanyard.

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