Bunch of Bryzzo Cubs Cards and An Uncle Duzie Memory
Happy Monday...four days late. Still in catch up mode as I’m behind on maildays. Two packages arrived from Ohio and California.
Courtney sent a batch of forty Cubs baseball cards. We have swapped Cubs for Nationals several times now. This stack of Cubs included a bunch of Kris Bryant cards.

There’s no Bryzzo without the Rizzo. Several Anthony Rizzo cards accompanied the Bryant’s.

My guy Willson Contreras in refractor form. This is from 2017 Topps Chrome.

It’s great that Ian Happ is back in Chicago. Not only is he back with the big league club, he is performing well and playing everyday. While I’m not a big Panini fan, they do put out some great looking cards. I’m not a part of the “no logo hate brigade,” but can you imagine how nice some of the Panini products would look with a MLB license.

Neil in Anaheim sent a package of two Cubs cards and they were doozies. Speaking of doozies, I had an uncle Duzie. Not his real name, rather a nickname. He was a fighter pilot in World War II, and passed away a few years ago.
I never did ask where that nickname came from, and now I’m intrigued. We had such a big family, that we weren’t super close. It was like factions within the family. My wife has one aunt, and one first cousin. I have (had) eight aunts and uncles and 29 first cousins. Uncle Duzie himself had seven children, and they were all significantly older than me. Uncle Duzie’s grandchildren (my second cousins) were my age, or similarly aged.

(Uncle Duzie on the right)
Needless to say, I didn’t get much one-on-one time with Uncle Duzie, which is disappointing now because he was such a great guy and well-loved by everybody.
My small town hosts a celebration each year on the first full weekend in June. It’s called Annawan Fun Days. Most years I make it back and it’s always a reunion of old friends and classmates.
One year in my early 20’s I went uptown to the local bar on the Sunday of Fun Days. Uncle Duzie, in his late 70’s was bellied up to the bar and we sat together and drank a couple Busch Lights. It’s really the only adult memory I have of Uncle Duzie, and I’m glad we had the bit of time over a couple beers.
Back to the doozie baseball cards Neil sent. It was an envelope with a couple 2019 Topps Chrome Cubs hits. The first is the retail exclusive Sepia Refractor of Kyle Schwarber.

Look at this doozie. A retail only pink Refractor of Kris Bryant. A very nice addition to my Cubs collection.

One Million Cubs Project Stats
Monday's (8/12/2019) Cards: 42
Monday's (8/12/2019) Packages: 2
January's Cubs Count: 9,343
February's Cubs Count: 8,980
March's Cubs Count: 15,704
April's Cubs Count: 11,651
May's Cubs Count: 7,273
June's Cubs Count: 7,690
July's Cubs Count: 10,803
August's Cubs Count: 9,081
Total Trades/Donations: 204
Trade States of Origin: Arizona (2) Alabama (3)
Arkansas California (17)
Colorado (4) Connecticut (11)
Florida (9)
Georgia (3)
Idaho (3) Illinois (17) Indiana (5)
Iowa (2)
Kentucky (2)
Louisiana Maryland (8) Massachusetts (6)
Michigan Minnesota (3)
Missouri (2)
New Hampshire New Jersey (11)
New Mexico (3) New York (17) North Carolina (5) Ohio (9)
Oregon (3) Pennsylvania (5)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee (6) Texas (6)
Vermont (2)
Virginia (2) Washington (5)
West Virginia (4) Wisconsin (11)
Countries of Origin
Canada (1)
Korea (1)