No Hustle Sports and John in Michigan Cubs Mailday
In my continuing effort to dig myself out of the Cubs Convention setback, here's a pre-Convention mailday from the No Hustle Sports podcast and John in Michigan.
When I say "Cubs Convention setback," I only mean the prep heading into my trip, the three days I was in Chicago, and the post-Convention "clean up," has me a bit behind.

That's what my "Cubs Cave" basement looks like even a week after the Cubs Convention concluded. There are still a couple blog posts (this one included) that I need to write from mail days that arrived before I left for the convention last Friday.
I can't imagine how far behind I will be by March, since I'll be spending six days in Arizona for MLB spring training. I'm already preparing for that trip by gathering cards and other memorabilia for potential autographs.
John in Michigan sent a package with a great mixture of past and current Cubs, and felt since we have a Cubs Convention theme continuing I may as well intertwine this mail day. Cubs Convention always brings a number of Cubs alumni back. John sent cards of several players that were in attendance last weekend: Darwin Barney, Bill Campbell, Jody Davis, Andre Dawson, Ryan Dempster, Pete LaCock, Bill Madlock, Dwight Smith, Geovany Soto, Steve Trout, Kerry Wood, and Travis Wood.

Plenty of current Cubs were in this box as well. Most of these current players were in attendance at the Cubs Convention. The lone exception from the below is Jon Lester. He has missed most Cubs Conventions the past few years for other engagements. If you ask me, he purposely schedules those other engagements to avoid the convention. That is only my opinion. Current players that were at the Cubs Convention from the below cards: Albert Almora, Javier Baez, Willson Contreras, Yu Darvish, Ian Happ, and Jason Heyward.

Also included in this trade package were some Topps Heritage cards. I am a big Topps Heritage fan and these cards of Eric Young (2001 Topps Heritage), Darwin Barney (2012 Topps Heritage), and Rafael Dolis (2013 Topps Heritage).

Pete from the No Hustle Sports Podcast sent a batch of 50 Chicago Cubs baseball cards, in which I returned 50 Texas Rangers cards. Take a listen to the No Hustle Sports Podcast. A mailday that includes a 1990 Score Earl Cunningham always catches my eye!

Since I am so far behind on mail day blog posts, trades, and a card room disaster, I'll be holding off the statistics until I get unburied. Hopefully that time will come this week.